Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Simplicity and how God works in US thru it Pt2

We talked (well, I typed, you read, but you get the point) about simplicity in the last post, and how we might use it. Now, we'll talk about how God actually works in us through it. Simplicity, as we have said earlier on, means that everything isn't complicated. There's no upcoming deadlines, no Sword of Damocles above your head.

You might say, 'Gee, that's boring,' and guess what? You might be right! But that's because you're no embracing simplicity. Did you know that some South Koreans check into prison-themed facilities just to have some quiet time for themselves?

If that doesn't show how busy we all are nowadays, nothing will.

How do you embrace simplicity?

To be honest, this is something you're going to have to find out on your own- the best we can do is guide you to it, and even then we might not be able to. Each person has their own way of embracing simplicity. Some find it in quiet meditation, some find it when pondering over their life, and some find simplicity in the happiness of success.

We'll show some people that embrace simplicity in the next post.

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